 Spiritualism  Hinduism  Shinto  Ganesha  Confucia




The legend begins with the birth of Ganesha, who is the son of Shiva(the destroyer of the famous Hindu God traid) and Parvati (his wife). When Ganesha was born he looked like a normal baby, meaning that he had no extraordinary powers or the head of an elephant. He was an ordinary child of one of the most powerful Gods to rule the Hindu heavens. Ganesha was born at the time when Shiva was off to battle the evil demons of the heavens. After a couple of years, which was when Shiva came back, and when Ganesha was old enough to understand and follow instructions the day came when he would finally meet his father. Only neither of them knew who the other was and the result was horrifying one. Ganesha, instructed by his mother, who was standing guard at the front door of their house while she was bathing.Her instructions were not to let anyone in, one matter how urgent they say it is. Suddenly Shiva stormed up the door and demanded to be let inside. When Ganesha refused Shivaís infamous temper exploded after a great deal of arguing and shot an arrow to Ganeshaís head. He did not realize that he had just killed his own flesh and blood. Parvati ran out because of the commotion and was horrified to find her beloved Ganesha laying on the ground. She informed Shiva that he had murdered his own son. Shiva distraught with grief, vowed to bring Ganesha back to life. He sent his army out to bring him back the head of the first thing they saw.Unfortunately, for Ganesha, the first thing that they saw was an elephant. They cut off its head and brought it back to Shiva and using it and his powers, Shiva brought his son back to life. Then Parvati confronted Shiva with a question. ìOur son has the head of an elephant, who will respect him?î Shiva then realized how this could raise a problem for Ganeshaís social life and his esteem.So then, Shiva decided that he would give his son the blessing of being regarded with the most respect that anyone in the Hindu heavens could desire. Shiva gave Ganesha power that other Gods could only hope for. From that day on, Ganesha would be the first God to be worshipped for everyday auspicious occassion.  



1.URL: http:// www. html

2.Lee, Sherman E.; A history of Far Eastern Art, 5th edition

   Shiva Nataraja pg.194

   Krishna with Serpent Kaliya pg. 251

   Ardhanarishvara pg. 250

3. Other resources: Mother and Sister

4. URL: http://www. indian           


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